​​What is a GED? 

General Educational Development (GED) is a group of academic subjects that consist of math, science, and reasoning through language arts and social studies. Test-takers who complete and pass the test are certified as having a high school diploma. In addition, there are over 3,200 Official Testing Centers all around the world and multiple tutoring centers. For example, The Planner Education is one of Thailand’s top GED tutoring centers.  

What is A-LEVEL?

A-Level (Advanced Level) is a subject-based qualification offered by the United Kingdom. Moreover, the A-Level is a two-year program most students will take in their last school year. Students would take three to four subjects that they are interested in, and taking these exams will give them the opportunity for students to get into their dream University. However, the A-Level focused on students that are going to UK Universities. The test is taken in schools and accepted in Thai Universities.  

What is IB? 

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is the longest-running international education system. Now, the IB program is taught in over 3,000 schools around the world. The IB system is a student-centered learning system that focuses on creativity and critical thinking skills. Also, students are required to take six subjects and three extra courses. The other courses include Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Extended Essay (EE), and CAS (Creative, Action, Service). However, the six subjects include three high-level and three standard-level. Also, students would study IB during the two last years of their education and take the exam in their senior year.  

What are the differences?

  1. The time it takes to complete
    a. IB and A-Level is a 2-year program where students take the exam at school. However, the GED is taken in 1 month and is by students who want a fast track to University. Therefore, students will go to a tutoring center for help.
  2. The education system is because A-Level is a more UK-based exam. Thus, students who take it would want to go to the UK for University. However, the GED is a more USA-based exam, which means people want to study in the US. Nevertheless, more universities are starting to accept GED, such as Thai Universities. Also, IB is an internationally based exam. Hence, most universities around the world would allow the IB exam. 
  3. The grading system.
    a. GED grading system
       i. The four subjects are 200 points each.
       ii. Altogether are 800 points.
    b. A-Level grading system A*-E
    c. IB grading system
       i. Each subject 1-7
       ii. TOK, CAS, and EE are a score of 3
       iii. Must get at least an overall of 24

Let The Planner Education be a part of your bright future. See what courses are the best for you: GED | IGCSE | A-LEVEL | SAT/GSAT | ACT | IELTS | BMAT | TOEFL-MUIC/MUIDS | CU-TEP | CU-AAT | CU-ATS | TU-GET | IB | AP | Academic Writing

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LINE: @theplanner or Phone: 095-726-2666


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