What they do to IGCSE/A-Level answer script once your exam is over

Every single time after the testing ends, Most people, who have tested IGCSE or A-Level with Cambridge School, feel like all the stress is gone but in the deep feeling also feel excited about the outcome of the test, however, most of the students still don’t know the process after the exam is over, such as what happens to answer script, or what is the process of grading, so the planner education love to tell you a story, that another IGCSE or A-Level school didn’t tell you, what they (Cambridge School) do to your IGCSE or A-Level answer script once your exam is over.

According to the information from Cambridge School, after the exam is over and students who learned IGCSE or A-Level, put down their pens, here is what happens next:

First, the scripts are packaged up, sent back to Cambridge, and scanned into a digital file for the examiner to mark on a computer screen, In this step, some answer scripts are marked on paper, but some answer scripts are marked by computer, especially multiple-choice exams.

Second, Cambridge team of experienced senior examiner get together for marking a sample set of scripts and then passing to teams of examiners. While examiners are marking a scripted answer they are watched and checked by senior examiners to make sure that they keep marking correctly. if one examiner is not able to mark consistently, they will be asked to stop and replace another examiner to mark the answer scripts.

Third, when examiners marked all of an answering script, Cambridge School will set their grade boundaries by using a mixture of statistical evidence and expert judgment, then apply them to mark your grade and have the senior examiners final checks again.

Fourth, now they have done all of our checking processes, so your grade result will be sent back to a school, waiting for you to check your outcome of hard work on tutoring IGCSE or A-Level.

But what happens to real paper, where have they kept it? And it is kept forever? a student that learns IGCSE or A-Level would have all of these questions, so the answers are most of all school will keep it about 8 – 10 for recording the test result and use its data to set a boundary of grade, and after that depending on which school they maybe destroy or turn it into recycled paper.

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