From Passion to Profession l Interview with Our A-Level Student Accepted to MUIC

From a teenage boy passionate about Biology and Chemistry to a Biological Sciences student at MUIC. 

Interview with ‘It’, a talented student from The Planner Education who secured admission to Mahidol University’s Biological Sciences Major. Let’s find out how an A-LEVEL course can help him achieve his dreams.

‘It’ has been fond of Biology and Chemistry since childhood. He dreamed of researching bacteria and viruses in the blood. Because he preferred not to work with large groups of people, he wanted to work in a hospital laboratory.

Previously, he took GED and SAT courses with The Planner Education, but his turning point came when he decided to study AS/A-Level, which aligned more closely with his interests. This decision helped him earn a total score of 667 points and gain admission to his dream faculty!

In this article, we’ll discuss with him why The Planner Education was his choice for university preparation and how the AS/A-Level course helped him achieve his dreams. First, let’s get a brief overview of AS/A-Level. 

Get to know AS/A-LEVEL

AS/A-Level or Advanced Level is a 2-year study program from England for students aged 16-19 years or those studying in Year 12 and Year 13 to prepare for entry to university level. Some people may have heard of IGCSE before, as GCSE/IGCSE or GCE O-Level is the foundation for the AS/A-Level program.

Get to know more about the AS/A-Level exam > Click!

How could you know about The Planner Education?

At first, my mother saw The Planner Education’s post on their Facebook page and recommended it to me. Then I checked out the institute’s Facebook and website and found their courses very interesting. 

What stood out to me was the diversity and expertise of The Planner’s teachers. Many of them hold bachelor’s and master’s degrees from various countries and teach subjects they are highly skilled in.

Since I was already interested in Biology and Chemistry, I was excited to see that they offered A-Level courses in those subjects. In the end, I decided to take Biology, Chemistry, and Economics classes with The Planner Education.

What was your first impression of The Planner Education?

My impression began from the moment I contacted the Planner’s staff. They started by explaining the university entrance examination system and assisted in various areas. From providing insightful university guidance to helping me apply for different exams, they were incredibly supportive. They not only assisted with the actual exam applications but also helped with the exam preparation rounds. All I had to do was hand my passport to the staff, and they took care of everything.

How was The Planner Education’s teaching different from others?

I had studied at other tutorial centers before, but when I switched to The Planner Education, I noticed a significant difference. The content taught by the teachers was more comprehensive, and they made difficult concepts easier to understand. 

From the moment I started studying, I was very impressed with the teachers’ methods. They adjusted their teaching to be diverse, which helped me grasp the material better. 

For example, they provided past papers for me to practice with, allowing me to learn from previous exams. Whenever I didn’t understand something, the teacher would explain it in detail.

In addition to the coursework, the teachers also highlighted the strengths of various universities and their faculties. This guidance helped me prepare more effectively for the entrance exams.

Tell us about the moment when you found out you were accepted into the Biological Sciences Major at MUIC.

When the exam results were first released, I was still dazed from just waking up, so I was a bit confused. However, as I found out the results, a wave of happiness washed over me. I couldn’t help but smile and almost cry, and I wasn’t alone in my joy. My parents, especially, were overjoyed. We all shared tears of happiness at that moment.

Can you share a bit about your study tips?

My secret to studying is to set aside some time for breaks. I usually spend 1 hour studying and then take a 5-10 minute break to do something else, such as playing with my dog or going for a walk in the garden.

Getting enough sleep is also important. I aimed for 8 hours of sleep nightly, prioritizing this even more before exam days. It helps clear my mind, reducing pre-exam anxiety and allowing me to approach the actual exam day with a calm mindset.

Entering your dream university may seem challenging, but it’s not impossible. With the right guidance and support, like the on-spot A-Level exam preparation ‘It’ received, you can move closer to your goals.

The Planner Education specializes in 21 A-Level subjects. Whichever fields of study you find interesting, The Planner’s A-Level course is prepared to help you get started on the path to your goals.

Join us at The Planner and discover the courses that are best for you!: GED | IGCSE | A-LEVEL | SAT | IELTS | ACT | GSAT | TOEFL-MUIC/MUIDS | CU-TEP | CU-AAT | CU-ATS | TU-GET | IB | AP | Academic Writing

Line: @theplanner or Phone: 095-726-2666


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