Educational Background:

  • Master’s Degree: English for Careers, Thammasat University, Thailand
  • Bachelor’s Degree: Biomedical Science, Mahidol University International College, Thailand
  • High School: Greenridge Secondary School, Singapore

Subjects Taught:

  • A-Level: Biology
  • IB: Biology
  • BMAT: Biology
  • IGCSE: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, English, History
  • SAT: English


All students have one goal in mind and that is to make their mark on the school that they attend and make their mark on the world once they graduate. I believe that a s a teacher, I have to inspire and motivate my students and lead them to achieve their dreams. I would like students to remember that they are not alone. I will be here for them every step of the way. Students deserve the best education they can get, and I am prepared to give it to them.

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