Applying for Universities in the UK

Students who are preparing for a UK university in the near future should be thinking about various things such as application, personal statement and the grades universities require to get accepted in.

How to apply to UK universities?

To begin, all universities and colleges in the UK, students must submit an application through the UCAS system. The UCAS system, or the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service is an organisation that focuses on processing applications for undergraduate students applying for UK Universities.

Below are lists that all students must make sure of before applying.

  • Know the right major that you want to study.
  • Visit the university and research more about the course you have picked.
  • Be aware of the deadline for the university and entry requirements for the course.
  • Register for UCAS and have written a personal statement. 

Registering with UCAS

The UCAS can be registered and completed using the UCAS online system or students can register through their school and they will send it to the UCAS on behalf of the students. However, students should check the application deadline, as it can be earlier than the one set by the UCAS system. Moreover, the online application for full-time undergraduate study can visit the UCAS Hub and start filling in their UCAS application form. Nevertheless, students can apply for five courses at different universities, but can only apply once in a cycle. 

Actions required before the application deadline

  • Fill in their details, qualifications and courses selected.
  • Write their personal statement and include a written reference from a teacher who knows you academically. 
  • Pay for their UCAS application fee. 

University entry requirements

Universities set their own entry requirements depending on the subject and the demands of specific courses. However, the following shows the typical requirements needed for students to meet.

  • IGCSE and A-LEVEL or students previous qualification, subjects and grades.
  • How well students perform at a university interview.

Getting offers

After applicants apply to the UCAS system and put all their information in, students will receive an offer. The offer can take a few months, but the university will give students a notification about the offer.

  • Conditional: Students still need to meet the entry requirements, typically the A-LEVEL or IB results.
  • Unconditional: Students have been allocated a place on the course, but might need more proof.
  • Unsuccessful: The university has made the decision not to offer a place. Students may or may not be given a reason.
  • Withdrawn: University chooses to withdraw a course choice. The students will receive an explanation from the university. 

In conclusion, students who need more help with their studies to get the offer they want from the UK or other countries’ universities can always come to The Planner Education for extra tutoring sessions. The Planner provides IGCSE, A-LEVEL and IB intensive tutoring courses focusing on how to ace the exam right. Moreover, The Planner gives a consultation for students who need advice on university admission from our universities admission expert. Apply now via LINE @theplanner.

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