Kru Micky

Educational Background:

  • Bachelor’s Degree: Biological Science, Mahidol University International College
  • High School: Highland High School, Arizona, USA

Subjects Taught:

  • A-Level: Biology
  • IB: Biology
  • BMAT: Biology
  • IGCSE: Math, Biology, Chemistry, English as a Secondary Language, Environmental Management
  • SAT: English
  • GED: RLA, Social Studies, Math
  • IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, Academic English
  • English and Biology of all levels


Teaching has always been a part of my identity since I was 16. I’ve started teaching when I was given the opportunity to assist 4th grade English teachers. Having been to the US, I’d seen how ESL teachers put a lot of emphasis on the method of teaching rather than the content, creating such an enthusiastic environment that is optimal for students to learn and interact. This allows students to make mistakes and learn, which initiates the “learning process” that resonates within their memory.

I believe that students would benefit greatly from this style of teaching, just like I did. I believe that English can be made fun, easy, and accessible to everyone. I wanted students to acquire English skills not only to pass exams they’re taking but also to be able to apply them in life.

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